National Japan Microsoft Minecraft Cup 2022 - Winner of the Sustainable City Development Award!

Congratulations to team Urban Coders (ages 13 to 18) for winning the "Sustainable City Development Award" at the 2022 Minecraft Cup! 🏆

The Minecraft Cup is held annually and the theme of 2022 was sustainability and creating an environment that integrates "nature" and "convenience" in the long run. ⁣Comprising of both local and Japan students, our young and talented students crossed borders and worked together to come up with innovative ideas.

Team Urban Coders created a city called CodeTropolis Nature. They focused on the United Nations’ Sustainability Development Goal 15, and created a city rich with biodiversity and green architecture that blends the urban landscape seamlessly into the surrounding wetlands refuge and nature preserves.

Take a look at their beautiful Minecraft world - CodeTropolis Nature!

Combining their creativity and care for the environment with the help of code, the team was awarded the Sustainable City Development Award, making them one of the four teams to get an achievement in Minecraft Cup 2022!

View the livestream of their presentation here!

In addition, they were also selected for the Tokyo Bay eSG project. Along with another one of our teams, team Wither Coders (ages 7-9), they will be presenting their project to the Governor of Tokyo, Yuriko Koike! If selected, our students will get to see their Minecraft project turn into real-life architecture.

It has been tremendously encouraging to watch our students come together (globally too!) with a pioneering idea to help in solving today's real-world issues. All teams have worked hard and done their best, and we would like to congratulate them all for coming this far. 💚

Want to create your own complex structures and design your dream world on Minecraft? Explore the different possibilities that you can create with our Holiday SpecialMinecraft: Code Your World (ages 10-12) class!

*Note: You would need to complete our App Inventor 1+2 and Python Junior 1+2 before joining our Minecraft classes. 

(Written by Thinzar)


#CodingLabStudents: Aidan Sin, 12, Platinum Award Winner, HCIC 2022


Fun Techtivities in March!