Direct School Admission (DSA) to NUS High School of Math and Science

Picture of DSA to NUSH

Jake Tan, 12,

St Andrew’s Junior School

Jake has been with us since he was 8 years old. Within 4 years, he built an outstanding coding portfolio that enabled him to DSA into the prestigious NUS High School of Math and Science. Jake went from building his own projects on Scratch to our S200 Electives (for ages 13 to 18). He even caught the attention of Lianhe Zaobao, getting featured on #ALittleSomebody at the age of 9. Congratulations, Jake! We're extremely proud of our little coder (who's not so little anymore), and we believe that he will continue to excel and move forward in his journey to becoming a future leader in technology.


Direct School Admission (DSA) to NUS High School of Math and Science


Direct School Admission (DSA) to School of Science and Technology