Coding Lab

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Essential skills you should teach your kids

As parents, it is totally up to you to teach your kids essential practical skills. Teaching your child to be more independent and resourceful is as important as taking care of their health and education. However, it is important to do it in a way that doesn't overwhelm them. For instance, having your little one to attend coding classes for kids is better than burdening them with books on the subject. Here is a list of some important skills you should teach your kids. 

Swimming is essential

Kids generally find swimming enjoyable even at a young age. However, it is recommended that parents take kids of ages 4+ to swimming. Post 6 years of age, you can help them work on developing, improving and finally refining their strokes. An early start could mean better health and fitness and even a career in swimming. Most importantly, it makes them safer in water. They can later progress to kayaking, scuba diving and so on. 

Cooking their own meals

Teaching kids to cook for themselves helps to instill the value of being responsible and independent. If your kids are in pre-school, you can introduce them to the kitchen in the beginning. Get them to measure ingredients, safely operate appliances, stir the batter, and so on. Pre-teens can learn how to cook simple recipes or how to use knives under your supervision. Older kids can be encouraged to prepare meals on their own. This helps them stay confident in emergency situations and feel competent. 

Coding to build analytical skills

For kids, computer programming is considered even more important than learning a language, nowadays. Programming is said to help kids find better solutions to daily problems. It even helps kids to improve in their mathematical skills. Even if you do not have a coding background, using online resources, basic computing kits or even coding books and mobile apps, you can coach your kid. Coding classes for kids teach programming by way of games and fun exercises. Coding skills are an asset to pass on to your kids. They also open up lucrative career opportunities. 

Managing grocery shopping

This is especially important for younger kids. Grocery stores often have aisles lined up, with signs. When you take them to the store, make sure they look around the place on their own. Give them a little basket to get four or five things on their own. They will be encouraged to use the signs and navigate around the area on their own. This can help them as they grow up to find their way around a place they're visiting for the first time. 

Restaurant etiquette

This should ideally be taught much before high school. Whenever the family dines out, encourage them to order for themselves. It is important to teach them to make better choices. As they order the food, remind them to look the waiters in the eye, be polite and say 'thank you.’ This helps them to learn how to behave and come across as polite individuals later in their life. This should be followed by telling them the right use of cutlery and eating manners. You should also teach your kids to dress for the occasion and engage in effective small talk.